How effective is the ending of Shakespeare's play the tempest?

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Hitesh Kothari 11A

How effective is the ending of Shakespeare’s play the tempest?

             The Tempest is a magical play written by Shakespeare in the final stages of his career and is allegedly the last play he wrote independently. The play has a very basic storyline of someone trying to gain revenge using magical powers, but the play involves many characters building up suspense and enhancing the storyline. The play was written between 1606 and 1611 and is set on an island.

             The story begins with a huge shipwreck caused by a tempest, which is created by Prospero’s magical powers and this allows him to gain revenge on his brother, Antonio who usurped him as Duke of Milan. During the play Prospero plays around with the characters involved in the shipwreck, which sets the plot up for an exciting ending with Prospero taking revenge on all the people who have acted against him. But the ending is much less profiled and Prospero forgives all those have done him wrong without reaping revenge. This ending is a clear shock to the audience as the play is set up for a very exciting and explosive ending. During the essay I will the answer the question of how effective the ending of the play is, the impact it has on the audience and whether the ending is a suitable for the play.              

                The ending of the play is very unexpected because of several reasons found throughout the play. The main reason is that throughout the play the audience are reminded that         Prospero is planning revenge and he sets up the tempest so he can gain revenge mainly on his brother Antonio. Also the scene is set for him to take his revenge due to his action using his magical powers to manipulate everyone so he has the opportunity to finally gain revenge for all the wrongs he had to endure. Also throughout the play there are many murder plans mainly by Antonio and Sebastian but no killings occurs. This makes it even more surprising because the plot always suggested there would be killings with a big finale but the outcome is a much softer ending. Another reason why the ending to the play is a surprise is because Prospero asks to be set free and in the speech, which is the final speech in the play talking to the audience, he pleads with them to set him free and forgive him. This speech is the most powerful part of the play and can be interpreted in many ways, as it becomes the focal part of the ending because of the unexpected peaceful ending.

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             There is a clear significance in the ending of the play as a whole because it ties up any loose ends in the plot giving it a clear storyline. It also helps the understanding for the audience, because of the unexpected ending and Prospero’s final speech. In the speech he explains his reasons for forgiving those who have done wrong against him so he can ask for freedom therefore allowing the audience to understand the reasons for the ending. Also, the ending allows the audience to fully see what has happened throughout the play ...

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