How far are Romeo and Juliet victims of events too far beyond their control?

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How far are Romeo and Juliet victims of events too far beyond their control?

The first time in the play that there is any evidence of Romeo and Juliet’s’ fate is on the first page of the play, in the chorus’s speech – “A pair of star – crossed lovers take their life.” – By saying “star-crossed” the chorus is saying that Romeo and Juliet’s fate is written in the stars. I think that the chorus’s speech is one of the most important aspects of the play, as he is summing up the whole play in one speech. Shakespeare is borrowing from Ancient Greek drama where the chorus is the voice unquestionable authority in the play. This gives you a good perception of what the play is about and what you are going to read. I think the expression “star-crossed” is an important phrase in the chorus’s speech as the chorus is saying that Romeo and Juliet are victims of events too far beyond their control.

Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet’s party.  Romeo and his friends were not invited to the party and they turn up uninvited. They only found out about the party, because the illiterate servant by apparent coincidence bumped into Romeo and asked him to read out the list of guests (which included Rosaline) going to the party. To prevent themselves from being found out, they wear masks to cover their faces. Before Romeo goes into the party he has a feeling that if he goes in something bad will happen to him –

“I have a soul of lead,

so stakes me to the ground I cannot move.”

–Romeo is having a premonition that if he does go to the party then something bad will happen to him. I think that this is an example of fate, as Romeo does end up going to the party, and something bad does happen to him.

Romeo is obviously very worried about the premonition he has had –

“And we mean well in going to this mask,

but ’tis no wit to go.”

– Romeo is afraid of going into the party because of the premonition he has had.

Later on before entering the Capulet’s house for the party, Romeo is still afraid –

“I fear too early, for my mind misgives

Some consequence yet hanging in the stars,

Shall bitterly begin his fearful date,

With this night’s revels, and expire the term

Of a despised life closed in my breast,

By some vile forfeit of untimely death.

But He that hath the steerage of my course

Join now!

Direct my sail! On, lusty gentleman.”

– Romeo has another premonition before the party. He thinks that if he goes to the party he will have a young death. I think that this is a good example of Romeo being a victim of events beyond his control, because the premonition he is having actually does become true as he does enter the party and also if he was in control he could stop himself going into the party, but he cannot stop himself going to the party.

When Romeo sees Juliet, without even talking to her he knows he is ...

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