How far do you agree that Othello is a tragedy caused by male egotism and female passivity?

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How far do you agree that Othello is a tragedy caused by male egotism and female passivity?

Othello’ is a personal tragedy, which is explored by Shakespeare’s character Othello. Tragedy is an event in life or literature that evokes feelings or sorrow or grief, in a play often involving a heroic struggle and the downfall of a main character. The traditional view of men is, the breadwinner and head of the family, responsible for discipline, and who has strength and courage. The traditional view of women is of them being, passive, emotional, sensitive and inferior to men. Egotistic describes someone who is self centred, self-centred, insensitive and inconsiderate. I believe that the arrogance of men contributed to the tragedy but passiveness of women I agree only to a certain extent.

I would agree with the title that the male characters egotistic attitudes do play a large part in the tragic result of the play, I will explain this further by looking at the actions of the male characters throughout the play.

Othello, is the tragic hero of the play. He has two contradictory roles, he is a military man and a lover/husband. Before he is on stage is described as “bombastic”, proud and someone speaks excessively. Act 1 Scene 2, immediately tells us this was wrong, Othello appears as an impressive figure who displays good qualities, openness, natural authority, cool-headedness and truthfulness. Othello at the beginning of the play is self-confident but modest, fair and generous, calm, controlled “Put them into circumscription and confine for all the seas worth”, a hero and deeply in love with Desdemona “My life on her faith!”. Othello’s character changes greatly through the play, as jealously takes hold of him, he becomes less honest, this is also a great deal to do with Iago’s influence over him.

Although, his traits as having a “free and open nature” make him easily vulnerable to Iago, his trust and honesty are exploited to Iago’s advantage and do contribute to his downfall, but I do think he was a man of action, a solider who was comfortable with that life, conflict and demands of action, he was inexperienced in love and relationships with people. Othello is very proud of his profession, his reputation is an essential part of his character and his concept of himself. It could be argued that his profession plays a part in him seeking revenge to recover his reputation. His pride will not let him become the husband of an unfaithful wife “I had rather be a toad and live on the vapour of dungeon than keep a corner the thing I love” . In Act 3 scene 3 Othello is overwhelmed with his love for Desdemona, and is not in control of these romantic feeling’s that take over him when he is with her, “I will deny thee nothing”. This is another points that lead’s the play to its tragic end.  The transformation of Othello from beginning to end is extensive, but why did Othello trust Iago over his wife, who he was madly in love with? I think this is because he had no reason not too, several different people refer to Iago as “honest” several times. Iago is very clever, and Othello has no past experience to doubt his deceiving him, he is able to make his accusations plausible by the way all the other characters perceive him as honest, making him very convincing. This also applies to Cassio. It is possible his need for revenge on Cassio and Desdemona is because he has tried, but failed, in combining both roles of solider and lover. He treated Desdemona as a prize he earned for his victory’s in the military, some people believe she replaced his career as his source of pride, so no wonder he feels her loss so intensely. He is consumed by jealously and loses himself too it. At the end of the play he does regain some self-respect. In his final speech he shows a clear understanding of what he has done and gives his life up as a sacrifice for his actions, and by doing this he shows he has regained some self-recognition again, “one that loved not wisely, but too well”. These points show both sides of Othello, he does have an egoistical side to him but also a vulnerable side easily used and manipulated. Egotism did become a part of his character that lead to the tragic result.

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Iago, is a very important and complex character in Othello. Iago’s motives are seen very clearly and early on in the play. The reader’s first impression of him is not a good one. From his first speech we can see deep hatred and anger, particularly in reference to Othello and Cassio. He is intensely jealous of Cassio “preferment goes by letter and affection”. In the first scene we also see Iago’s questionable morals “I profess myself”, he is focused on furthering his career.  He dismisses honest people “Whip me such honest knaves” and accuses them of being “obsequious”. He applauds dishonest ...

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