How important is Birlings interaction with the inspection in act 1 of "an inspector calls" How does priestly show the difficulties of workers at this time?

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How important is Birlings interaction with the inspection in act 1 of “an inspector calls” How does priestly show the difficulties of workers at this time?

In ‘an inspector calls,’ Birling is the important character in starting off the whole change of events of the story of Eva smith. Birling is the symbol of capitalism and represents everything that is wrong with it. Priestley shows Birling up by using the inspector as his mouthpiece to show how Birling and capitalism is self-centred and is about the very rich and the very poor with no middle ground. This shows that everyone thinks of themselves and doesn’t think of each other. Priestley’s views are that the government should be socialist and for everyone. Priestly uses Eva smith also as a message, he uses her to show how citizens without a name are treated so badly and how she is underpaid who is never an important employee. This shows that capitalism is never for the working class. This play set in 1912 and was written in 1945, this is because if this play was written in 1912 for its time then no one would understand it politically and it wouldn’t be recognised. However, if it was written in 1945, when the political view had changed and was very socialist, people would understand how bad the characters were and how the system was immoral.

How Birling was presented in the play was as if a pompous arrogant, rich capitalist in the crudest terms. He was introduced in the play as a father of two and very well off and seemed like a good family man. This, however, was not true; Birling gives long speeches about views that are very biased and untrue. These views create a dramatic irony because the speeches he gives are about the titanic, world war one and world war two which he says will never happen as a big event in history and of course they did. Dramatic irony is where a character says or does something that the audience already knows about and we know what’s going to happen. In this case, Birling says “the titanic is unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable.” This of course wasn’t true and made Mr Birling look like a fool and not a trustworthy which was the exact purpose. Birling is portrayed as an unsociable person that does not care about others around him. This is shown by Birling starting off the chain of events of Evas death by firing her and not thinking about the consequences.

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The arrival of the inspector changes the atmosphere of the room entirely by him asking direct questions and nearly all of them aimed at Mr Birling. This is also shown by the lighting change in the room when the inspector arrives from pink and intimate  This shows Birling's attitude towards the workers and exposed what he really thinks about the lower class people around him. This is shown when Mr Birling is doing a speech about his life he says how, “A man has to make his own way” and this really shows how birling is self-centred and doesn’t ...

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