How important is Osborne both to Stanhope and the rest of the officers in the dugout?

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How important is Osborne both to Stanhope and the rest of the officers in the dugout?

Osborne is noticeably important to all of the officers in Journey's End, but he is especially important to Stanhope and Raleigh. In this essay, I intend to show this through his various empathic and logical character traits that assist him in his role in the company.

Firstly there is Stanhope. Stanhope relies heavily on Osborne for guidance and support, and Osborne is obviously very important in the running of the company. Stanhope often asks Osborne for help and advice, such as when he asks him to censor Raleigh's letter. In fact, Osborne could be construed as a father figure to the young Stanhope. This is demonstrated when he has to 'tuck Stanhope in to bed' after a drinking session. Next is Raleigh. Right from Raleigh's arrival, Osborne tries very hard to make Raleigh feel welcome and to alleviate any fears he might have by taking his mind off the war;
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'Let's talk about pigs. Black pigs or white pigs?'

With the rest of the officers, his empathic nature really shows through, in that he treats each one differently but equally. For instance, he defends Trotter, the only man to be promoted into officer status. He realises that Trotter is striving for acceptance with the upper class officers. He gives Hibbert the benefit of the doubt by saying that he might actually have neuralgia;

Stanhope: 'Artful little swine! Neuralgia's a splendid idea.'

Osborne: 'You can't help feeling sorry for him. I think he's tried hard.'


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