How is love described in 'How do I love thee?' by Elizabeth Barret-Browning and 'Remember' by Christina Rosetti?

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How is love described in ‘How do I love thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret-Browning and ‘Remember’ by Christina Rosetti?

Elizabeth Barret-Browning’s ‘How do I love thee?’ is about her telling her husband, Robert Browning, how much she loves him and she lists the ways in which she does. “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height”. She’s telling him that she loves him more than anything in the world. Christina Rosetti’s ‘Remember’ is about her telling her family or fiancé to remember her when she’s dead or not to if it upsets them. “Remember me when I am gone away”, she’s telling them to remember her when she dies.

        Christina Rosetti was born in 1830 and died in 1893. Her family originated from Italy and she was a devout high Anglican. She was educated at home by her mother and she studied languages and arts. Like Rossetti, her brothers were educated at school and she was educated at home. Her poetry was first published in the magazine ‘The Germ’. She was engaged twice and she broke both of them off because it was for religious reasons. The two most important things in her life were her poetry and her religion. She developed fatal cancer in 1891 and died in 1893.

        Elizabeth Barret-Browning was born in 1806 and died in 1861. She was a Christian. She was educated at home and she studied Greek, Latin and several more languages. Her brothers were educated at school because in those times boys were educated at school and girls were educated at home. She lived with her father and he forbode his children to have courtship or get engaged. Her physical state as an adult was poor as she had poor health. She published her first book of poetry in 1826, which was called ‘An Essay On Mind’ and Robert Browning wrote to her to comment on her poetry. She fell in love with Robert Browning in 1845 and they had to keep the relationship a secret from her father. Her father wanted to move so it prompted their elopement to Italy. Barret-Browning wrote ‘How do I love thee?’ for her husband Robert Browning.

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        In the Victorian era the roles of the women and men were very different from today. The women were expected to be weak, innocent, have no sexual appetite and if they were led astray they would be a fallen woman. The men were expected to be fallen, sinful, and lustful and if they took advantage of a woman they could not be blamed as it was in their nature. In 1848 the Pre-Raphaelite movement was founded by Dante Gabriel Rosetti (Christina Rosetti’s brother). Their aim was to rebel against Romantic Movement and they were going to do that by rejecting ...

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