How is Othello presented in Act 1.

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How is Othello presented in Act 1

Othello is presented generally positively with some negative characteristics in Act 1.  Before

we meet Othello in scenes two and three, we hear Iago and Roderigo talking about him,
although he is never referred to as ‘Othello’ but by such names such as ‘The Moor’ and
‘Thick lips’ which take away his identity creating a false image of the man we meet in the rest

of Act 1.

In scene one, Iago and Roderigo talk about Othello in an unfavourable way, naming
him as ‘an old black ram’.  Iago uses animal imagery when referring to Othello, he makes use of Othello’s skin colour and the fact that he is different to the ‘white Venetians’ to make a link between black and evil.  He provokes Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, by conjuring up graphic animal images of Othello and Desdemona to make Brabantio angry with Othello.  All this negativity gives us a very different view of Othello from the next two scenes.  It is clear however that some Iago’s comments are based on his jealousy of Othello as well as the man Othello gave the Lieutenant‘s job to, Michael Cassio,

‘And what was he?

 Forsooth, for great arithmetician,

 One Michael Cassio, a Florentine-‘

Iago is extremely jealous of Cassio, as he expected Othello to make him his lieutenant, not Cassio as they had been friends for a long time and Iago had fought with him in battles.  They had, what seems have been, a very trusting friendship, but because of Iago’s jealousy and evil, he now wants to destroy Othello.  In this sense Othello lacks judgement, as he refers to Iago as ‘honest’, and from Act 1, the audience can tell this is clearly not the case.  This gives the audience a negative view of Othello as it seems as though he could not be a good person if Iago hates him so much.

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        Othello is a well-respected Venetian general.  He is highly valued by the Senate as he
is experienced in battle and very professional.  He has served the army since he was very young.  Othello is obviously very good at his job otherwise the senate would not have chosen him to lead the war in Cyprus.

‘Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor’

Othello is a brave and prized part of the Venetian government, and therefore is the obvious choice for the senate when they are selecting the man who will defend one of their most prized properties.  This shows the audience ...

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