How is tension built up in the monkeys paw, and in the telltale heart? english coursework

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How is tension built up in the monkeys paw, and in the telltale heart?

Throughout the ‘Monkeys Paw’, various methods have been used by Jacobs to portray the buildup of tension. The monkeys paw is written in gothic style, meaning that the tension is an important factor to contributing to an ominous atmosphere.

Throughout the monkeys paw, various distinctions are made between the internal environment and external environment, the lighting of the scene in the story, and finally weather. The build up of tension through the use of the weather is known as Pathetic Fallacy.

The buildup of tension in the ‘Monkeys Paw’ is important because it signifies the gothic element to the stories, and gives an inciting upsurge to the final event which the tension climaxes at.

Throughout the ‘Telltale heart’, there are contrasting methods used in the buildup of tension, such as the use of repetition and capitalized words.

Firstly, a main factor contributing to the tension in the story is the weather, which is used in different points in the story to create an ominous atmosphere.

At the start of ‘The Monkeys Paw’, when the father and son are at chess, the weather is used to set the atmosphere. From the quote, ‘the night was cold and wet’. You can gather that it is knight time; a time associated with monsters and evil, and also is cold and wet. It gives a sense of insecurity. This is in contrast to inside the house, ‘the fire burned brightly’. This immediately gives the impression of a homely environment, one which is warm and cosy, Compared with the evil outdoors. ‘Blinds were drawn’, the indoor environment is being blocked from the murky dark outdoors by the blinds of the house. Before the visitor arrives, there is also a build up of tension, started by the weather, ‘the paths a bog’ and ‘the roads a torrent’. This buildup of bad weather is a classic gothic feature, and signifies that something bad is going to happen. Which it does, as the soldier arrives, Mr. White takes the Monkeys paw. Also, the fire within the house is in a way protecting the White family from the evil of the paw, and the evil residing in the outside. ‘Threw it upon the fire’, the soldier throws the paw on the fire, signifying that the fire is going to burn away the evil. But, Mr. White takes the paw off the fire and keeps it. ‘White stooped down and snatched it off’. This builds tension in the sense that the reader can sense that something bad is going to happen to Mr. White due to him keeping the paw.

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The next morning, after the wish was made, tension is at a low level, ‘the brightness of the wintry sun’. And ‘there was an air of prosaic wholesomeness’. The atmosphere is therefore much less tense and much more contented in the next morning than on the knight before.

In the telltale heart, weather is not used very much to build up tension, but many other contributing factors are, such as light and darkness and internal and external environments.

Another main factor is building the tension in the monkeys paw and in the telltale heart is Light and Darkness.

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