How is Tension Created and the Effect in "Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry".

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How is Tension Created and the Effect

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, is a novel that explains the racial issues and segregation that occurred in 1930s Mississippi. Mildred D Taylor explains to the reader that the white community had no intention of making the black’s lives peaceful or danger free.

        D. Taylor creates danger in a number of ways. The first event fulfilled with tension is the Berrys’ Burnings,’ See them Berrys’ burnin’ wasn’t no accident.’ This event occurs at the beginning of the book which sends out a high level of tension when you start to read. By this event the audience begin to realise the racial issues that the black community have to face. The reader is also unaware of who is responsible for these happenings.

        The next high tension filled event is the behaviour of the bus driver and children towards the Logan family.  When Little Man is walking to school in his Sunday best clean clothes, the other children hear the bus and tell him to go up into the mud on the mound at the side of the road to avoid the bus, ‘you’re gonna get them a whole lot dirtier you stay down there’.  The bus driver plays games with the black children and torments them when taking the white children to school. This event shows the audience that it is not just the white children who are cynical and ignorant towards the blacks but also the adults are as immature as them.  

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        In the case of educational resources, when Cassie and Little Man open their much awaited new books, they find a table on the inside front cover that shows the condition and the names of the previous owners.  Against white children it lists good or excellent condition and only reaches the blacks when poor condition, ‘he just stood staring down at the open book, shivering with indignant anger’ by this incident the audience empathise towards Little Man.  The audience are also angry because of the condition of the books.  The blacks are thought to be inferior because of the colour of ...

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