How is tension created in Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet(TM) by William Shakespeare

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How is tension created in Act 3 Scene 1 of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare

Act 3 scene 1 is one of the most dramatic scenes in the play; in this scene two main characters die and Romeo is banished. Benvolio and Mercutio are waiting on the street for Romeo to arrive, whilst waiting Tybalt arrives.  Tybalt is looking for Romeo as he wants to punish him for attending the Capulet masked ball. When Romeo arrives he does not want to fight Tybalt, Tybalt does not know how to react to Romeo telling him that he loves the Capulet house, however, Mercutio challenges him to a duel and Tybalt reacts. Tybalt draws his sword and attacks Mercutio, Romeo tries to stop the fight, and nevertheless Mercutio is stabbed by Tybalt. Benvolio takes Mercutio and leaves to find a doctor, Benvolio later returns to tell Romeo that Mercutio has died. Romeo seeks revenge on Tybalt and challenges him to a duel. Romeo and Tybalt fight and Romeo kills Tybalt. Benvolio says to Romeo that he should leave before the people see. The prince arrives, followed by the Montague’s and Capulet’s. Benvolio tells the prince what had happened, however the prince did not believe that Romeo was innocent. Romeo is then banished from Verona with the threat of death if he should return.

Previous to this scene Romeo and Juliet had married, however Tybalt and the others did not know that this was his reason for not fighting. The atmosphere of Act 3 scene 1 was a complete contrast to that of Act 2 scene 6; the marriage was a happy scene, with both Romeo and Juliet telling each other about the love that they feel for each other. The two scenes are so opposite that it helps each become more prominent in the play, making Act 3 scene 1 a very important and dramatic scene.
           We know in advance that the play is a tragedy and the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, die; the sonnet at the start of the play says “two star-crossed lovers take their lives.” This builds anticipation throughout the play, waiting for a tragic moment to occur.
            After the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt many of the smaller characters in the play change the way they act. The nurse, for instance, was very supportive before this scene and helps with Romeo and Juliet’s’ relationship, but then when Romeo murders Tybalt she says that Juliet should forget about him and marry Paris as he will be a better husband. The nurse previously created humour in the play but telling unsophisticated jokes and comments but after act 3 scene 1, her mood and scene of humour changes completely; into a much more serious character. This makes the whole mood of the following scenes much more serious therefore creating tension.

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When Tybalt arrives, Mercutio and Benvolio are in the town square of Verona. It is midday which is also the hottest part of the day; this is the same as Act 1 Scene 1, this therefore echos the events that took place; the calm before a fight. We know that it is this time of because Benvolio tells Mercutio, “I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire: the day is hot, the Capulet’s abroad.” This quotation shows that Benvolio is hot and it is easily irritable and if other people are irritable there will be a fight. Also the Capulets will ...

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