How is the character Macbeth presented in Shakespeares' play Macbeth

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How is the character of Macbeth presented in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth?

Macbeth is a character over whom there is much dispute and contradiction.  Macbeth is described at the start of the play to be noble, shown in Act 1 Scene 2 ‘What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won‘, as he killed the rebel Macdonwald. In Act 1 Scene 2, when the Captain explains the events of the battle which Macbeth and Banquo fought in, he praises the actions of Macbeth proclaiming ‘Oh Valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman!‘.  Macbeth is presented to be valiant and the Captain’s praise gives the audience a good first impression of Macbeth‘s character. This also helps dramatise the effect of his slow downfall to insanity because it shows him to be very brave and pure before the lure of greed takes hold of him.  Furthermore, this also helps the audience have more empathy with Macbeth because as the main character, he is the one that falls from a position of virtue the hardest.

Macbeth was written as a tribute to King James I in 1606. The play includes some evidence to show that it was especially made for the King. The setting of the play is in Scotland, where King James I was king before becoming King of England. Also the play includes the three witches and James I wrote a book about witchcraft. Lastly, the murder of King Duncan was critical aspect of he play and murder was also important in King James’s rule, as Guy Fawkes’s Gunpowder plot was aimed to kill the King.  Shakespeare used Raphael Holinshed’s  Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (1587) as a source of historical information, though the characters and events differ quite a lot from Shakespeare’s play.

The play shows a time in Scotland where there were great brutalities and upheavals in society, and Shakespeare uses this to show how the brutalities and upheavals can lead to events which break loyalty and create mistrust between households in Scotland. The natural order of hierarchy is reflected in the play, which gives the characters a subtle structure and is able to present them better.

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The darker side to Macbeth’s character is shown as the play progresses. An example of his broken character is when he orders the death of Banquo in Act 3 Scene 1. It shows a very evil and brutal side to Macbeth, and it shows that Macbeth has become very paranoid due to the prophecies of the witches. We empathise strongly with banquo because he is always presented to be loyal and trustworthy to Macbeth, who just has ordered his death. “Who wear our health but sickly in his life which in his death were perfect.” it shows that he ...

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