How is the idea of prejudice shown in chapter 2-3 in To Kill A Mockingbird

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How is the idea of prejudice – having preconceived views of people – explored in chapters 2 and 3?

Atticus states in Chapter 3 that ‘You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.’ This quote can be interpreted as Atticus saying that Scout and Jem should not prejudge another person without knowing their circumstances and experiences. He is teaching them a life lesson to take a look at things from others perspectives and to realise that people see the world from different angles, with different pasts influencing them. The quote speaks metaphorically but also relates to real "skin" as later in To Kill a Mockingbird, a man is accused of a crime he did not commit and consequently prejudged due to his skin colour.

Scout’s perception of Calpurnia, the Finch’s housekeeper, changes during chapters 2-3. At the beginning of chapter 2, Scout describes Calpurnia in a negative manner saying that she is stubborn and comments that she was ‘’breaking into her new grudge against Calpurnia’’.  Scout at first sees Calpurnia less as a human being and more as a force of nature that she runs up against often. Scout thinks that Calpurnia wins their arguments due to the fact that she has Atticus on her side and also that she is too stubborn to admit defeat, “Our battles were epic and one-sided. Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side”. She sees Calpurnia as too strict and complains about how the housekeeper treats her; ‘’In Calpurnia’s teaching, there was no sentimentality; I seldom pleased her and she seldom rewarded me’’ However during chapter 3, Scout’s view of Calpurnia is altered considerably; ‘’Calpurnia bent down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her.’’ Scout is surprised at this as Calpurnia had never openly expressed her concern for Scout’s wellbeing previously and always seemed to be harsh on her; however this was proven to just be a facade. Scout overall was too caught up in the tunnel vision of her own perspective that she was not able to see that Calpurnia was hard on her because she cares about her. Calpurnia also teaches Scout life lessons during Chapter 3 about prejudging others and having stereotypical views of people just because of their class or race; ‘…’ Therefore in the end Scout realises that there are many sides to Calpurnia that she has not seen yet and is enlightened by Calpurnia’s life lessons.  

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During Chapter 2, Scout is met by a new teacher called Miss Caroline Fisher who is an ‘’outsider’’ to Maycomb. Scout immediately stereotypes the woman according to her dress sense and style assuming that she would be kind and sweet as she ‘’looked and smelled like a peppermint drop’’. However Scout later learns that Miss Caroline is a stern teacher and abides strictly by the rules. Scout develops a new dislike for the teacher as Miss Caroline tells her off for already being able to read and write, "We don't write in the first grade, we print. You won't learn ...

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