How is "The Muppet Christmas carol" different from Dickens novel "A Christmas carol."

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How is “The Muppet Christmas carol” different from Dickens novel “A Christmas carol.”

 We have looked at two different versions of this story. The stories are “ The Muppet Christmas carol” by Jim Henson and “A Christmas carol” by Charles Dickens        

  Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in Portsmouth. Dickens was a well know Victorian novelist. His Childhood was very unhappy due to his farther always being in debt.

   Jim Henson was born in the 20th century. He is famously known for his creations of the Muppets. Henson is American. His childhood was different from Dickens not just being born in different centuries but Henson had a very happy childhood due to his family being wealthy unlike dickens.

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 “The Muppets Christmas carol” starts with a typical picture of a London back street at Christmas, snow on the rooftops, smoke coming from the top of chimneys. Also the audience are introduced to the characters by rolling credits as it goes closer into the street. There were two narrators .In the novel it was dickens using first person narrative, as in the film uses third person narrative using gonzo pretending to be Dickens.

  The Muppets represent he working class. Michael Cain (Scrooge) and other human actors represent the middle class people. Michael Cain was used to play Scrooge because ...

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