How is the Theme of Love and Death represented in the 3 poems (Remember, Plena Timoris and Refugee Mother and Child.)

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How is the Theme of Love and Death represented in the 3 poems (Remember, Plena Timoris and Refugee Mother and Child.) 

        Written in different times under different settings by three very different personalties, the three poems Remember (by Christina Rossetti), Plena Timoris (by Thomas Hardy) and Refugee Mother and Child (by Chinua Achebe) explored the subject of death in different ways. Rossetti accepted death yet wanted to be remembered. The lovers in Plena Timoris saw the possible future despair and death as a reason to forgo their present. In Refugee Mother and Child, death seemed like a blessing from a merciless life.

Death and wanting to be remembered

        No one can escape from death, the difference is how intensely one feels about it and ones reaction to it. Christina Rossetti was often sick from her youth and she was often on the verge of death - “I half turn to go yet turning stay”. With the recognition of the imminence of death, Rossetti wants to be remembered. In Remember, the use of repetition throughout the poem is very effective - “Remember me when I am gone away”, “ Remember me when no more day by day”, “Only remember me”. Rossetti’s focus of the poem is about remembering and thus she has placed “remember” near caesura, which makes the reader pause, creating an impact and enhancing the importance of the words.

        The desire to be remembered was balanced by her love for her partner. I believe that Rossetti loved her partner immensely and wanted him to live happily. “Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve”,  “Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad”. These two quotes are simple, but powerful at the same time, she has done this beautifully by using two pairs of opposite words - “forget” and “remember”,  “smile” and “sad”.

        In Remember, the theme of love is shown by the use of enjambment. “Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad” Enjambment gives the line the effect of fluidity and smoothness, it links ideas together without the feeling of detachment. The effortlessness in the sentence structure reflects in the content of the poem, telling her lover to move on and continue with their life with happiness. With the help of enjambment the quote is simple, clear and powerful.

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        As I read the second line of Remember, the phase “silent land” really caught my attention. I couldn’t understand the meaning at first, however after reading a few times I realize it was a metaphor for death. Rossetti was a religious women and believed in going to heaven after death, when she wrote this poem she has accepted that she is on the border of death, almost like she was happy to be reunited with god. In the poem Remember, Rossetti goes against the Victorian rules at that time by writing about death and pain, which mirrors the Pre-Raphaelite ideologies.

Death ...

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