How Slim, Lennie and Curly are presented in OF MICE AND MEN

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Explain how the writer presents the character Slim in this extract.

Slim was one of the most unique characters in the novella; ‘Of Mice and Men’. Without Slim, John Steinbeck's book would not have had the same effect. He gave the book the idea of a hero. Slim was caring, understanding, and a great leader. His best characteristic being was how he always thought of others including Lennie, for example when he was concerned for Lennie’s fright when Lennie crushed Curley’s hand.

The extract shows when George and Lennie first meet Slim in the novella. Steinbeck goes into a very detailed description of him and presents him in a beautiful manner; “His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer.” By describing him like that, it shows the gentle side of him that is respected on the ranch and from understanding that he can seem ‘delicate’, we can understand why George can feel comfortable around him and tell him things he hadn’t told anyone else.

Throughout the beginning of this extract, he is constantly being described as ‘gentle’, ‘delicate’, as looking at people ‘kindly’, this shows how Steinbeck wants us to see Slim as a man to be respected and liked, as a man who represents the people who stayed positive through the 1930’s. Yet the first thing he says is “It’s brighter’n a bitch outside”; although it says he says this ‘gently’, therefore not in a crude manner, it shows how he is not afraid to be more outgoing, it shows how he is a man of confidence and this is what makes the other ranch workers not only respect him, but see him as a leader and as an authority figure.

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In conclusion, Steinbeck presents Slim as not only friendly and welcoming, but as a strong leader who is willing to guide the ranch workers through their life. Slim is there to represent the positive and strong people who lived during the 1930’s even if they didn’t have much; they didn’t let it affect them to a great extent.

What do we learn about Curley from the extract?

Curley is one of ‘Of Mice and Men’s’ major characters. Although he does not appear to hold a central role, he is very important in other respects. The first of ...

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