How surprising do you find the breakdown of lady Macbeth?

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How surprising do you find the breakdown of lady Macbeth?

Throughout the play of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth goes through several drastic personality changes, which finally leads her to breakdown.  In some ways I feel the breakdown and collapse of lady Macbeth is quite unexpected, but on the other end of the scale it could be seen to be inevitable.  I will cover the points for and against, how the collapse could be seen to be surprising and how it could have been expected.

When we first meet Lady Macbeth, in the play, she has just read the letter from Macbeth, in which Macbeth speaks of… “ What greatness is promised” … and of the witches predicting him to be… “King hereafter”…But Lady Macbeth, in her soliloquy, asks of whether Macbeth is worthy of the position as the king as she expresses him as … “ too full o' the milk of human kindness”…as if he doesn’t make the grade and that Macbeth has the … “ambition”… but not the …“illness”… that makes a successful King. But instead of criticizing her husband’s idea, Lady Macbeth decides that she will help to provide Macbeth, the necessary determination he needs.  This gives an indication of the love she has for him, and that their relationship is healthy. Immediately after a messenger tells Lady Macbeth that King Duncan intends on staying at their castle she conjures a plan and sees this as an opportunity to kill Duncan. A sinister side to Lady Macbeth’s personality is revealed as she calls up the spirits of darkness and pleads with them to …“unsex”…her insisting to take away all that makes her a woman. She asks to be made insensitive so that she may carry out her scheme; she wishes to be enchanted by the…“direst cruelty”…. This shows that her character is strong and she is sure that she can get Macbeth the throne. She seems to welcome evil, whereas at first Macbeth seems hesitant and even fears of what she has conjured.

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The scene right before the death of Lady Macbeth is a key scene, as it portrays of how the guilt, of murdering Macbeth, has broken her down mentally.  By then, the relationship between her and Macbeth, had lost all meaning, and even Macbeth admits this to himself.  Macbeth is quoted to have referred to Lady Macbeth as  … “ your patient”…to the doctor taking care of her.   During this scene she is sleepwalking, and is in a state of shock.  She quotes…“What, will these hands never be clean?”…Referring to the blood, which she claims to ‘see’ on her hands. ...

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