How the Black Community is Presented in ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’

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How the Black Community is Presented in ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is a book set in the 1930’s, in Alabama during the depression where there was much racial tension in the southern parts of the USA. The black community is mostly poor and usually living in slum areas.

The Finches, the main family in the book, have a black maid working for them named Calpurnia. She is treated fairly by them since they don’t seem to be a racist family. In this household she is free to express her opinions and act as if there is no racial prejudice against her. She has a large part in bringing up the two children, Scout and Jem, and can be very harsh to them with the full approval of there father Atticus Finch. Atticus respects her almost considers her as a part of the family as he tells his children that they’d be nowhere without  her and compliments her in  many other ways. During these times you would expect a normal white family from this area to treat a black person within their household very badly, giving her no such compliments or liberties and certainly not letting their children think of her as an equal.

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At on point in the book, chapter 12, Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to a black church where it is described as being very dirty with rusty paint work, looking as if it was made cheaply and may have been vandalised a few times. The children are welcomed by most of the black people attending the service, which might showing how black people want the approval of white people when showing them how they aren’t bitter towards white people because of their mistreatment.

Tom Robinson is a black man who is accused of rape under poor evidence ...

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