How to define literature?

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01080106   ELL 3

If you want to see your face look at a mirror;

If you want to see your soul look at a work of art.


Finding an exact definition of literature has confused and baffled many literary theorists throughout history. Even now, a precise definition of literature has not been reached despite countless theories developed. However, if we focus on the main function of literature by consulting ancient Western literary theorists, we will see from their diverse theories that literature is a mirror, which reflects the human soul with its good and evil sides.  By looking at this mirror, societies have had the chance of observing their situations objectively and as a result of this, they have felt the need to change and renew themselves.

In the Western tradition, the first known theorist to think about the functions of the literature is the Greek philosopher Plato, who raised fundamental and enduring questions about the role of literature and its justification in his famous book The Republic. Although he is notorious for being severely critical against literature, he made a great contribution to the development of literary criticism because many thinkers have produced literary theories to refute Plato’s arguments. One of his central arguments against poetry is that it is harmful to human soul, for it addresses to the inferior part of the soul, and encourages us to indulge in emotions which ought to be kept firmly in the control of reason. By dealing with our emotions and activating our natural desire to weep and wail at misfortunes, literature (especially epic and tragedy) disables our rational responses and makes us incapable of using our reason in dealing with misfortunes.

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He exaggerates the situation by claiming that poetry has the power to corrupt even the best of men with its seductive melodies drawing us into an emotional identification with the characters it portrays in a way that threatens the use of reason, since surrendering to our emotions is so intensely pleasurable. Because of this, Plato sees it compulsory to banish literature from his ideal society.

However, this behaviour just looks like breaking all the mirrors so as not to see our ugly faces; because poetry is like a mirror that shows human soul, which is such a complex thing ...

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