I started to panic; I jumped up running towards my mirror. I was smaller than ever, I was faster than ever and I was definitely hairier than ever.

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The ceiling. It was just a dream. I turned my head and saw the clock tick to 3:00 am, just 3 hours till I have to wake up for school. Blinking with heavy eyelids, I snuggled into my warm pillow, burying myself deep into my duvet. I spent the next few minutes weakly deciding if I should get up or attempt going back to sleep when I realized my lights were on. Looking around the previously dark room I could see all the furniture as clear as day. I turned my head towards the door thinking something felt odd, that something wasn't right. My bed seemed bigger and the accustomed feeling of the cold wood backboard against my feet was now gone and I had been certain my lights were off. In frustration I kicked my duvet and tried to sit up when I realized that wasn't working. I turned over and pushed myself up when something else felt odd. Something didn't feel quite right. In the place where I thought my hands were, there were two black furry paws. I started to panic; I jumped up running towards my mirror. I was smaller than ever, I was faster than ever and I was definitely hairier than ever. I certainly wasn't expecting this, because when I looked into my mirror, in my place, was a small black cat with vibrant yellow eyes. Who was this imposter in the mirror? It couldn't be me, since when was I ever a cat? I reached towards the mirror slowly moving my hand forward, but instead
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the cat pawed at the mirror, almost as if it was copying me. I turned around quickly and then jumped back in front of the mirror, ready to shout at the reflection of the cat, but a high pitched yowl came out of my mouth instead. I cautiously sat down glaring at the mirror and the cat mirrored me again. This can't be right, I am not a cat! Am I still dreaming? These thoughts continued to whirl around inside my head when I decided to jump against the mirror and again the cat did the same except this time ...

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