If only

There he stood blue lipped and white faced staring down at the sea washing over the black rocks, a good twenty metres high. Paul looked up, watery eyed, across the desert of wavy water and stared into the dark red sun setting in the distance, sinking down just like Paul’s life. As he stared into the red reaches of the sun Paul was contemplating his life and how he felt now he had lost practically everything. “Why me, why, why?” Paul began to sob, again looking down at the thick, cold, black rocks. His bare feet shuffled forward another few inches towards the edge, his hair blew in the wind. To him it felt like the way his dad used to run his fingers through his hair to calm Paul down in his younger years but with a quick snap he realised that his dad can not calm him down now or save him. Paul was at the lowest point in his life three days after his twentieth birthday, he felt that when everybody feasts on life’s fruit and joy he got the indigestion, but there was a more upsetting reason for Paul’s behaviour and this will be revealed with time.

     Paul took a big step closer towards the ragged cliff edge. Now the sun had set and darkness was upon Paul. He placed his shivering hand into his right pocket and pulled out his last coin, it was a ten pence piece. With a flick his last coin disappeared into the darkness and onto the rocks below. Paul looked up again at an uninviting sky, his last tear running down his cheek slowly until it reached his jaw line and dripped off, his arms spread like eagle’s wings. With a small bend in the knees he leapt. Paul instinctively began screaming then as his head struck the blackness below silence, dead silence, nothing but the tainted sound of the waves rolling over the bloodied rocks upon which Paul had smashed himself. This is the story of how Paul came to ending his life.

    Paul woke up with a major headache from the party he had for his birthday and rolled shyly to his right. There in his bed was his long-term girlfriend, Fiona, asleep but with a smile on her face. He rolled to his left and underneath his wallet laid a number on a torn piece of paper saying “don’t forget to call”. Paul could not recall where this had come from but he thought to himself hardly surprising after the amount he had to drink and snort last night! Paul got changed and with a quick kiss to Fiona’s forehead left his house to go to the phone box on the corner of the road. 0..7..7..8..8..6..5..8..0..7..7, the phone began to ring “Hello who’s calling” a Rastafarian accent was the first thought in Paul’s head, then he tried again to remember where he got the number from “Oh hi, yeah, well my name is Paul and I know it sounds silly but I had this number on a piece of paper and it said…”

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     “That doesn’t sound silly and don’t worry I know what it said.”      

       “How did you know that?” said Paul wondering quite what was going on at that moment.

       “I remember giving it to you last night at your house”

       “Oh, well, I can’t really remember though, look why did you want me to call you then… sorry what’s your name?”

       “My name is Dark Angel and the reason I wanted you to call me because you owe my boss four hundred pounds”


This is a preview of the whole essay