In Act 2 scene 2 Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards of Duncan's chamber.

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In Act 2 scene 2 Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards of Duncan’s chamber.  After she has drugged them she goes to meet her husband Macbeth in the courtyard.  Macbeth does feel guilty about what he has done; Macbeth has bought the daggers with him by mistake, which would put them in great danger.  Lady Macbeth now has to go back to the Kings chamber to return the daggers.  If Macbeth hadn’t realized that he had the daggers with him it would have been a disaster.  Lady Macbeth seems to be more fearless, whereas Macbeth has a guilt conscious about everything.  Macbeth is haunted on how he will never be able to sleep peacefully again as he says in  line “ “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more.” (41-42).

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        Macbeth wants the crown yet he fears the consequences of his terrible deed. He is not denying that being king has never crossed his mind after the witches prediction where they hailed me ''king hereafter''. But he knows that it is wrong. Lady Macbeth is much more ambitious than him and will do anything to become Queen. That is what he fears the most. He told her that ''we will speak further'' but that just makes her more anxious to become queen. Macbeth did not wish to kill Duncan. He is the King’s protector. The weird sisters do frighten him. ...

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