In Chapter one George tells Lennie ”Guys Like Us, Who Work On Ranches, Are The Loneliest Guys In The World.” How Does Steinbeck Develop The Theme Of Loneliness In The Novel

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In Chapter one George tells Lennie "Guys Like Us, Who Work On Ranches, Are The Loneliest Guys In The World." How Does Steinbeck Develop The Theme Of Loneliness In The Novel

George says to Lennie that people who work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world because he believes it is true. He believes this because all the people on the ranch, including him, are lonely. The workers on the ranch are lonely because they live as itinerant workers this means that they move around the country looking for work. Constantly moving from ranch to ranch means that there is not enough time for the workers to build proper, long-term friendships. The book is based during the great depression, which happened as a result of the Wall Street crash of 1929, at this time money and jobs were hard to come by this meant that people had to get jobs where ever they could even if it meant constantly moving around the country. For many people who had never had a proper education the ranches were the only option and with the invention of machines jobs on the ranches were becoming scarcer. The workers did not have time to build good friendships with the other workers and even if they did they would lose their friends when they went to a new ranch because it was much harder to find a ranch offing two jobs. George is still lonely even though he has Lennie for company. This is because Lennie is too dumb to have a proper friendship with; he is too dumb to have a sensible conversation with so George is lonely.
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On top of the loneliness Steinbeck also show the other ways in which life on the ranches was hard. The workers had to live in a cramp and dirty bunkhouse all together in one room. They work every day and spend virtually all their time on the ranch they have little or no social life and the only contact they have with women, apart from Curley's wife who they are not meant to talk to, is at Suzy's place on Saturday nights. The workers have no family and no friends off the ranch. They do get some spare ...

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