In Mary Shelley's Novel, Frankenstein, Who Is More Monstrous, Frankenstein or His Creation?

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Franklin Barr        Page         10/05/2007

In Mary Shelley’s Novel, Frankenstein, Who Is More Monstrous, Frankenstein or His Creation?


Mary Shelly was born in 1797 and died in 1851; she was the second wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, the famous English poet. Her novel “Frankenstein” was written when she was only 19 years of age and she wrote it as a response to a challenge that Lord Byron set her. Frankenstein is considered by some to be a modern Prometheus, an ancient Greek myth about the creation of man.

Section 1

Frankenstein wanted to be able to create life and defeat death:

 Frankenstein -“I might in the process of time…renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption.”

Frankenstein dreams of a world where death is not an object and he hopes that one day death would only mean having to be brought back to life. At this point Frankenstein does not seem at all monstrous. Although in the beginning Frankenstein’s intentions are good but, the way he goes about realising his dream is not:

Frankenstein - “I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave.”

Mary Shelly uses the word “dabbled” to describe the way Frankenstein looks for body parts in graves. These could have been from people who had families or other loved ones, but Frankenstein treats them as pieces of meat, materials for his experiment, and this makes the reader disgusted at Frankenstein. This is the first sign that Frankenstein is immoral. Despite this, might be forgiven as his judgement is affected by his desire to create rather than destroy life. Although this could shock a modern reader, it does not compare to the reaction of a Victorian audience. A modern society would already have been exposed to terrible things like this and be accustomed to them through the frequent appearance of similar events in books, television and film. A Victorian audience would not have experienced this so it makes the impact of the events even more nauseating.

Section 2

In chapter 5, Frankenstein confesses that he tried to make his creation beautiful but succeeded only in making it look even more hideous. This is one of the creation’s so-called beautiful features:

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Frankenstein - “his teeth of a pearly whiteness.”

Here I think Frankenstein is trying to convince himself that his creation is not as hideous as he really knows it is, although he eventually comes to realise this:

Frankenstein - “Beautiful!  Great god! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of his muscles and arteries beneath.”

This is the point at which Frankenstein starts to realise that he despises the being he spent years constructing. I think the fact that Frankenstein first finds the monster beautiful and then repulsive represents the way Frankenstein loses his innocence and begins to understand his ...

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