In new film noir to what extent are women able to resist and move beyond conventional heterosexual relations. Consider this in relation to the femme fatale and the 'Queering' of neo-noir in the 1980 and 1990.

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Victoria Fraser-Gadd K0108810

Module: Gender, sexuality and the cinema

Module Leader: Mark Penson

Module code: SO3208

In new film noir to what extent are women able to resist and move beyond conventional heterosexual relations. Consider this in relation to the femme fatale and the ‘Queering’ of neo-noir in the 1980 and 1990.

        New film noir came about in 1970, with extensive, supplementary plots, noir style and tone. The femme fatale has always been the deadly woman, who manipulates the male character with her sexual power to get what she wants. However in new film noir she is also adapted as the femme lesbian or the queering of neo-noir femme. The neo-noir femme fatale is not just after the money; however she is after sexual pleasure as well as economic power (Kaplan, 153). The femme fatale in neo-noir is sometimes involved in homosexual relations. However throughout I will be examining the extent of women being able to resist and move beyond conventional heterosexual relations, in relation to the femme fatale in Black Widow (1986) and the queering of neo-noir in Basic instinct (1992) and Bound (1996).

        Nonetheless it is important to be cognizant of queer theory, how it diffused into the role of the femme fatale and the queer in neo-noir. The Gay Liberation began in 1970 and it was trying to build a coherent gay identity (Lecture note, 5). It was emphasising the need that gay males should be open about their sexuality, to defeat the anti-sexism. Making a homosexual relationship similar or like a heterosexual relationship. Since the Gay Liberation the queer theory commenced in 1980, examining the binary opposition between straight and gay, and why there are two categories of sexual relations (lecture note, 5). Both sexualities being straight or gay are similar in the way that both sexualities express their desires and needs for a human. However with out the gay movement, lesbian and gay films would have remained home movies in the closet (Dyer, 201).

        Queer theory in film noir is through pluralism and sexual connotations, for instance in neo-noir Black Widow (1986) there is the same sex connotations between the data analyser turned investigator and the femme fatale, Catherine. Alex the data analyser is read as masculine due to the way she is styled compared to the femme fatale (Kaplan, 155). Alex is heard saying to Catherine ‘Your not taking it personally are you?’ while learning mouth to mouth suffocation. Later Catherine says to Alex ‘Why don’t you say we go up to my room for a couple of decent drinks?’. Normally in majority of films when a person asks another person to come to their room for more drinks, it is meant as a sexual invite. However in Black Widow the same-sex connotations are not intended to be in that manner.

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        Nonetheless in Black widow Alex is able to move resist the conventional heterosexual relation by investigating and concentrating on the femme fatale. Even though she has been told by her boss to go on a date, Alex resists by focusing her attention on the femme fatale. Following and personally trying to get to know the femme fatale, however it becomes almost an obsession with tracking her down.

        The femme fatale is both attractive and dangerous in Black Widow, which is also apparent in Basic instinct and Bound. However in Basic instinct the femme fatale is known as the ...

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