In relation to the play, The Merchant of Venice there has been much critical discussion of the character of Shylock, often revolving around whether or not he is a victim or a villain.

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The Merchant of Venice

In relation to the play, 'The Merchant of Venice' there has been much critical discussion of the character of Shylock, often revolving around whether or not he is a victim or a villain. Some people argue that he is seen as a villain because of what he was planning to do to Antonio and also because his selfish, ruthless and what may seem evil characteristic throughout the play may cast him as a villain in the reader's mind. On the other hand, there is an alternative view. It can be shown that he is a victim as he has also suffered throughout the play.

'The Merchant of Venice' centres predominantly on Shylock. The action begins when Bassanio wants to borrow money from Antonio in order to travel to Belmont and meet Portia so he can win her hand in marriage. However, Antonio does not have the money to lend him as it is all tied up in goods on his ship. Antonio suggests that Bassanio should use his name to secure a loan. In Belmont, Portia and her maid Nerissa discuss the fact that Portia's father has left a will stating that suitors must choose from gold, silver and lead caskets to win her hand in marriage. Meanwhile, Bassanio and Antonio persuade Shylock to lend three thousand ducats to Bassanio for three months. Shylock agrees to lend the ducats to Bassanio, but if payment is not made in time then Shylock can claim one pound worth of Antonio's flesh as his bond. In Belmont Morocco picks a casket so he can marry Portia, but he picks the wrong casket and therefore he cannot marry Portia.

Jessica leaves her father, Shylock, and marries Lorenzo, also adapting the Christian faith. Bassanio, meanwhile, arrives in Belmont and he chooses the correct casket and wins Portia's hand in marriage. While this is happening Grazianio, Bassanio's friends falls in love with Nerissa (Portia's maid) and we here of bad news about Antonio's ships: they do not return on time and now Shylock demands his bond in court threatening to kill Antonio. Portia and Bassanio now get married and decide to go to Venice to save Antonio's life. Nerissa and Portia also go to court to help Antonio but no-one knows who they are because they are disguised as a male lawyer and his male Clark in court. Despite Portia's efforts, Shylock keeps arguing that he will not break his bond. However, Portia states he cannot in law take more then one pound of flesh and not shed a single drop of blood. This of course is impossible. Therefore, in the end Shylock loses his bond.
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Shylock can be seen as an evil villain sometimes who is prejudiced against Antonio because of his religion. The words "I hate him for he is a Christian" portray Shylock's attitude towards Christians and reveal his hatred towards Antonio. This also reflects and is evidence of how much hatred there was between Christians and Jews. Furthermore, Shylock's attitude towards the animosity between Christians and Jews reflects the conflict during Shakespeare's era. More specifically, though, Shylock tells us that Antonio 'spat' on him and this show of contempt, motivated by Antonio's obvious prejudice towards Jews, clearly - in Shylock's ...

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