In scene one of act three Mercutio fights Tybalt, Mercutio is killed, and in reaction to this Romeo

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GCSE English coursework

  The situation is that Juliet has to face, is that she is married to Romeo a Montague and her family’s enemy.

   In scene one of act three Mercutio fights Tybalt, Mercutio is killed, and in reaction to this Romeo goes after Tybalt and kills him. This then leads Romeo to be banished by the Prince. Although Romeo is banished, Romeo and Juliet still spend their wedding night together. Juliet feels loved completely because she has Romeo for support, the Nurse, and she also thinks that her family would continue to take her, as that is their only child. Juliet is gradually rejected by her parents, when she turns to the nurse she is told by her that it is better to marry Paris, so she is gradually getting more and more isolated from her family. However the dramatic importance in this scene is that we see Juliet’s inner strength of character, as she does not give in to her family’s demands. Our impression of Juliet earlier in the play is that she is very decisive as she had insisted that Romeo marry her before consulting any of her family or friends, also she takes no time and asks on their first date which shows she is decisive an firm. She is not disliked in her family and gets along with all of them, she may not have good relations with her mother, but they are still friends.


    At the beginning of act three of scene 5 Juliet is at first less sure and decisive. Juliet persuades Romeo to stay longer as she knows that they will not see each other for a long time, she talks as if it is not day and that there is no need to be gone so early. There is tension because Romeo then stays a bit longer, Juliet then urges Romeo to go, and as she is scared that Romeo will be caught and killed, she is being realistic and now insists that Romeo must leave. When the Nurse enters Juliet’s bedroom it creates suspense because she says to them ‘your lady mother is coming to your chamber, the day is weary look about’, this makes them rush and there is a lot of suspense on weather they will be caught or not, this shows that Juliet has complete trust over the nurse as she warns them before the mother comes and if she didn’t they would have certainly been caught.

  The language Romeo and Juliet use towards each other reassures them both of their love. Romeo says  ‘and trust me love, in my eye so do you’ which really does reassure Juliet, also it says ‘o think’st thou we shall ever meet again?’ then Romeo reassures Juliet by saying ‘I doubt it not’ Romeo is really being mature and telling Juliet that they will meet again and that everything will be fine in the future. Juliet says ‘o God, I have an ill-dividing soul! Me thinks I see thee now, thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb either my eyesight fails, or thou look’st pale’, this is dramatic irony because she is saying what is going to happen, she does not know but she does have a feeling and when she says ‘thou look’st pale’ making this moment ironically dramatic predicting the final episodes of the play. Juliet wishes that ‘fortune ‘ might prove ‘fickle’ because she has seen what will happen to Romeo, and she wants that to change so Romeo does not die.

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  The opening scene creates atmosphere because Juliet lost Romeo and it will intensify because as we get into the scene Juliet is rejected by her mother and father, she is told she should marry Paris by the Nurse this would make her feel vulnerable and rejected from all the people she loves, as she is all on her own. Juliet’s surprise that her mother is coming to her room reminds us that Lady Capulet is very distant from her daughter. Earlier in the play when Lady Capulet was on her own in the room with Juliet, Lady Capulet got ...

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