In the film "the crucible" directed by Nicholas Hynter

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In the film “the crucible” directed by Nicholas Hynter based on the play by aurthur miller set in Salem 1692. The theme of individual conscience versus authority is present in this film. It is a relentlessly suspenseful drama of collective evil and personal conscience. Other texts of my choosing that relate to this theme is the “grapes of wrath” by John Steinbeck.

The film is an emotionally moving story of guilt, love and redemption. Aurthur miller was struck by the incredible similarity between the hysteria in Salem in 1692 and the life in America society after World War 2. The fear of communism or the “red threat” viewed as an evil obstacle to the goal of world peace. Senator Joseph McCarthy and his house committee conducted a ‘witch hunt’ to expose those suspected of being communist. Innocent people were unjustly persecuted for their views resulting in the end of their careers and damage of their reputation.

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The film explores the mystery of the handing over of conscience and he uses the Salem witch trials to address this problem and show why it is pointless that on let his or her name be used to hurt others. It shows that “those who weep for corruption” shall hang. The film opens with a group of girls gathered in the woods. Mysterious music is playing whist having laughter of the children’s escape from the restrictions. Throughout the film pathetic fallacy is used to show the darkness and evil.

The main individual and protagonist in the film is ...

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