In the short story of Mrs tall and Mr short we did many different still images to portray the image and message of the scene

Authors Avatar by harrymorgan (student)

GCSE Drama Coursework 1


Use of space and levels


In the short story of Mrs tall and Mr short we did many different still images to portray the image and message of the scene, we used many different levels and a lot of space to help do this. Still images are very useful because still images can be used to express an emotion, thought and devise Drama and can enhance a piece of drama and improve the strength of the emotions.



The first still image we did in Mrs Tall and Mr Short was where we got the Tailors wife to stand on a table which gave us the levels showing that she was high in command, I am a extra who is crouched on the floor squished, Mr tall is holding a placard and Mrs tall standing right next to Mr tall but squished and there is another extra looking into the crowd to give depth and a sense of space. Overall this shows the real fear and power of Tailors wife and the power and size of the crowd.

This image is meant to show embarrassment and the tailors wife position on the chair is meant to show her authority and she is above every one and Mr Short and Mr Tall look weak and embarrassed







The second still image we did was where we had the child minder is giving the child back to Mrs Tall. The Tailors wife is behind a lamppost trying to spy on what she thinks is a suspicious event. This image used some physical theatre, which we found very effective and it helped capture the true meaning of the scene. This shows how Tailors wife is trying to sneak around up to no good, but then all she sees is an innocent child minder giving back Mrs Tall’s baby.

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Thought Tracking

The Taylor’s Wife follows Mrs Tall out of the Mansions as well as through the endless suburbs of China to what she hopes she will find Mrs Tall selling government secrets to foreign powers, which is pretty far fetched from what she was really doing. While stalking Mrs Tall the Taylor’s Wife is pondering on many different things. To find out these things we were put into pairs, where one would move as the Taylor’s Wife would without making a sound or showing any expression, the other in the pair would walk behind in the ...

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