In the sleepwalking scene Lady Macbeth seems to be a very 'different person' to the one who persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan. Examine how the incidents in the play have affected her by the end of the play.

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In the sleepwalking scene Lady Macbeth seems to be a very ‘different person’ to the one who persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan. By making close reference to the language used in the relevant scenes. Examine how the incidents in the play have affected her by the end of the play.


Lady Macbeth is Macbeth’s loving, caring and yet confident wife, or so she appears to be at the beginning of the play but the truth is that like Macbeth, her ambition got in the way of logical thinking. She went, by the end of the play, from being a supportive and loving wife to a devious and wicked woman to a final guilty and sick woman.

        We first meet Lady Macbeths’ evil and wicked side when she receives a message that tells her of the king coming to visit to stay at the castle. Here her ambition takes a sudden turn and her wickedness grows. She decides that Duncan shall not leave her castle alive,

‘The Raven himself is hoarse

  That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan

  Under my battlements.’

Shakespeare uses bird imagery here to show us Lady Macbeths; view of the situation, she sees Duncan as a victim of raven or crow and she takes him under her battlement like she will be doing when he comes to stay at the castle and she will not let him out alive.

        As time goes on we see Lady Macbeth begin to invite evil into her body and take over her mind,

‘Come you spirits

 That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,

 And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full

 Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood

 Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse’

Lady Macbeth here practically begs on the spirits to fill her with evil and to stop her from feeling any remorse what so ever. This is one of the points where you can see the true extremes that Lady Macbeth was prepared to go through in order to see her husband become king. She even asks the spirits to unsex her, to take away anything that makes her a woman. She wanted to feel like a man so that she would be able to cope with planning the murder but never the less these demands were very extreme. She doesn’t want anything to stand in the way of the evil deeds.

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        As Macbeth enters we see Lady Macbeth greet him with respect, love and honour. As she tells Macbeth of her plans; she makes it clear that she believes that she and Macbeth can control time and make the future do what they want. Lady Macbeth reveals that she is some what worried about Macbeth giving the plot away with his face, so she tells him to try and put a deem face on so that no one will suspect anything,

‘look like the ‘innocent


 But be the serpent under’t.’

Shakespeare uses this metaphor to create a clear image ...

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