In this essay I am going to discuss Macbeth's character and behaviour at the beginning of the play and compare it to his behaviour at the end of the play.

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A.M.D.G         Holiday Homework        21st February 2003        Spencer Murphy Holiday Homework              In this essay I am going to discuss Macbeth’s character and behaviour at the beginning of the play and compare it to his behaviour at the end of the play. I intend to do this by examining his character as the play progresses and then forming a conclusion at the end.              Macbeth is a classic tragic figure brought to ruin by his own greed, guilt, and fear. Shakespeare intensifies Macbeth's tragic nature by showing him to be a valiant hero in the beginning of the play. He is a courageous warrior and one of King Duncan's best generals. In the second scene of the play, Macbeth has just won his most important battle and saved Scotland from the Norwegian King. To honour his bravery, King Duncan gives Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor. This is one of the first steps to Macbeth's undoing, for he longs to be more than just a thane. His innate greed is first inflamed by three wicked witches who prophesy to Macbeth that he will become Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland. When the first prophecy comes to pass, Macbeth immediately begins to long for greater power. He realizes that in order to seize the throne from the king, he will have to murder him. Being a basically kind man, he is horrified at his own thoughts and decides murder is beyond his capability. He decides to let fate take its course, and if he is meant to be king, it will happen. But the seed of greed has been planted, and Macbeth is a rash man.             In the fifth scene of the play, another side of the early Macbeth is developed. He is shown to be a loving husband who values his wife and calls her " his dearest partner in greatness," sharing what he is with her. They are obviously close, for he immediately writes a letter to Lady
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Macbeth and tells her about the prophecies of the three witches, for he wants to please her and give information about "what greatness is promised thee." It is Lady Macbeth who further inflames Macbeth's greed that was planted by the three evil witches. As soon as she reads Macbeth's letter, she decides King Duncan must be killed so her husband can become king and she can become queen. There is no hesitation or indecision about her lust for power. Her only fear is that Macbeth is "too full of the milk of human kindness" to plan a murder. Therefore, she ...

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The essay is fluent and flows well, the candidate uses a good range of vocabulary, higher than that expected for an average C grade candidate. There are a few issues with spelling as the candidate has used American versions. I would advise proof reading and ensuring that the language on the word processor is set to British English. There is no problem with grammar and overall this is a well written piece of work.

Unfortunately there are times when it feels like the candidate is retelling the story, this could be altered with the injection of a few more quotations and analysis of Macbeth as a character. There is no mention of Shakespeare's use of metaphors, similes or repetition of words. It is necessary to discuss the use of linguistic techniques in order to achieve a C grade or above at this level. In addition I feel an appropriate conclusion should consist of more than one sentence. A conclusion should summarise your key points, answer the initial question and include your own opinions and reasoning. In this case the candidate needs to use their conclusion to briefly summarise the differences between Macbeth’s behaviour at the beginning of the play and at the end, then form a conclusion on how and why his behaviour has changed.

In the introduction the candidate states that they will examine Macbeth’s character and form a conclusion. I don’t feel that this narrative is necessary. It would be more effective to use the introduction to perhaps define behaviour or talk about how people alter their behaviour such as showing different personalities to different people. The candidate clearly attempts to discuss the set statement; however their ideas should be summarised and pulled together to form a comprehensive conclusion. The candidate attempts to use quotations to analyse Macbeth’s character, this is done particularly well in the beginning of the third paragraph. S/he could improve their work by selecting more quotations and discussing how Macbeth’s responses to certain situations show a change in his behaviour, for example at the beginning of the play he is nonchalant about the witches prophecies and says “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir” yet as the play draws to a close he is eager to learn more and sets out to find the witches. This shows how his character has shifted from that of a strong, confident man to someone who is weak, scared and dependent.