In this essay I am going to explain how Shakespeare has created tragedy in Romeo and Juliet.

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In this essay I am going to explain how Shakespeare has created tragedy in Romeo and Juliet.

The irony in Romeo and Juliet which makes it a tragedy is that they are the only two out of the two households who do not fight and hate each other and they both end up dead.  This then causes grief between the two families.  Romeo and Juliet refused to split up after many warnings and therefor they took the risks, which led to their deaths.

In this tragedy, Romeo blames misfortune and fate for nearly everything that goes wrong for him in the play.  After he kills Tybalt he says “O I am fortunes fool”.  This is suggesting that Romeo thinks that everything that he does is in his fortune and he has no power over it and cannot take the consequences of his own actions.  After Romeo’s best friend Mercutio dies. Romeo’s decides that he is not going to let fate decide what happens to him anymore by saying, Then I defy you stars”.

Juliet is different to Romeo, as she does not blame fate; she blames things on her birth.  Her parents want her to marry Paris; “She shall be married to this noble Earl”.

Shakespeare has stuck to the rules of a typical tragedy.  He has included serious topics like love, hate and death.  He has made it moving.  Also he made the main characters die at the end.  

In the dictionary a tragedy is described as a “Serious disaster or sad event”.  In all of Shakespeare’s tragedies the story ends unhappily due to the death of the hero which also happens in Romeo and Juliet.  Shakespeare has also included some unusual things for a tragedy that are comedy moments from Romeo and his friends, comedy from the nurse and some romantic optimistic love scenes between Romeo and Juliet.

From this point that I have made you can see that Shakespeare did not especially want a typical tragedy.  He wanted some proportion of it to be comedy, action and romance as well.  By doing this Shakespeare creates a better story because if it was unrelenting tragedy the audience would get bored.  Instead, Shakespeare has used juxtaposition with tragedy and comedy.   When the tension mounts and things get tragic the audience is relieved by some brief comedy and romance.  When some more tragedy comes after, it feels fresh and new to the audience.  For example Act 1 scene 1 is the Montigue and Capulet fight and is very tense.  This is followed in Act 1 scene 5 with Romeo and Juliet first meeting and the tension is relieved by romance.  Then the next main bit is when Mercutio and Tybalt die and this creates tension again.

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Romeo’s character and his flaws help make tragedy.  In all tragedies the hero of the story has to have a tragic flaw.  This means his flaw would end up killing him.  Romeo’s main flaw is falling in love with Juliet too quickly and rushing into marriage.  “For I ne’er saw true beauty, till this night” Romeo said in Act l, Scene 2, after he sees Juliet for the first time.  The audience can quickly tell that Romeo’s flaw is falling in love too quickly and easily.   Juliet soon realises things are going too fast when she says “This too ...

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