In this essay I am writing about Shakespeare's world-renowned play "Macbeth". "Without The Witches There Would Be No Play" discussed.

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Dan Bond

Shakespeare Coursework



In this essay I am writing about Shakespeare’s world-renowned play “Macbeth”.

 “Without The Witches There Would Be No Play”

This is the phrase that I will be studying.  Throughout this essay I will include facts to agree or disagree with this phrase.

Here are the areas I will be focusing on throughout this essay:

  1. The affect that the witches has on the audience

  1. Shakespeare’s use of language and stage direction to create an atmosphere

  1. The witches involvement in the plot – how much influence do they really have?

Throughout this essay I am going to discuss these points in great detail.

Witches affect on the audience

The witches meet in foul weather - they speak of thunder, lightning, fog and filthy air. This introduces Macbeth as a dark, dangerous play, in which the theme of evil is central.  By doing this it sets the scene and alerts the audience telling them that something is going to happen.

It is also a very atmospheric start to the play.  The first characters we see are the witches, this grabs the audience’s attention straight away as the witches are really weird and out of the ordinary.

While the witches are casting spells and making predictions of what is going to happen, they let the audience know there little secrets and plots that are waiting to happen.  This means that the audience knows more than some of the characters, this is called dramatic irony.

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During the 17th Century people were really paranoid about witches and witchcraft, witches were considered as evil.  This was one of the main reasons why Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, he knew that if he wrote a play about witches it would fascinate the people and draw in crowds.

That wasn’t the only reason why Shakespeare chose to write a play about witches, the other reason was because he wanted to please the king at the time, James I.  Shakespeare knew that James I was obsessed by witchcraft and the super natural.

At the time when play writers wanted to ...

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