In what way are two of the following important to our understanding of the plot and ideas in the novel?

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In what way are two of the following important to our understanding of the plot and ideas in the novel?




Theses three elements obtain unique characteristics that represent symbolism, which gives us a clearer example of their uses involved in the plot and ideas of the novel. Their symbolism is an important part of the development of the story. They demonstrate the key issues, which are important to maintain a civilised world. Society holds everyone together, and without these conditions, our ideals and the basics of right and wrong are lost. As each of these elements fade away so does order and hope of a civilised community. People will also abuse power and will often single out another to improve their own security. We learn that without society's firm rules anarchy and savagery can come as a consequence.


The conch is a fundamental part in the story. It was the first important element to be 'spotted' by Ralph.

'Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds'.

This gives us an expectation that something as pretty like this represents the beginning of an organised order (the conch) amongst people who don't have the value of respect (the thorns). Also by the beautiful descriptions of the eye-catching shell we learn from the phrases,

'In colour the shell was deep cream, touched here and there with fading pink ... and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern'.

The beauty of the shell also demonstrates its weakness, being brittle representing the order and authority being brittle itself. We also learn how fragile the conch is afterwards by the repetitive reminder of Piggy,

'Careful! You'll break it-'.

Piggy is fascinated by the shell and appreciates it as he 'cradles' it, showing again that it is weak,

'Piggy paused for breath and stroked the glistening thing'.
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At the beginning where Ralph and Piggy work together as a team to accomplish the task of collecting and being able to use the shell, we discover a united symbol shared amongst the boys. They together combine their intelligence (Piggy) and physical strength (Ralph) to the sense of a single body. Piggy can only supply his knowledge as to the operation of the conch whereas Ralph learns to perform the tasks,

'He said you blew from here' - Piggy

'Hit the shell with air from his diaphragm' - Ralph

The conch represents authority and the ...

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