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  • After the end of Gerald’s and daisy’s relationship, it just gave daisy more sorrow and disappointment; this just pushed her closer and closer to her heartbreaking suicide.

  • By Gerald giving her money instead of attempting to help her establish herself and give her a job, he just prolonged her death. Because we all know money runs out and soon she’ll be back in her same position.

  • If Gerald’s intentions were honourable then he would of made sure Daisy had a safe place to stay and a way to support herself instead of leaving her but as Gerald said “it was all over and done with”.
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  • Gerald took advantage of Daisy’s feelings by sleeping with her. His feelings were clear; he said “I didn’t feel about her as she felt about me.” The truth is Gerald just played with her feelings and used her for his own lust.

  • Gerald realises it was his fault; he said “she didn’t blame me at all I wish she had now.” Gerald acknowledges that he could of done something in her favour to help her survive instead of just giving her money which would be the easy and fast way out.


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