Is Lady Mac Beth the real driving force behind the murder of Duncan?

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Is Lady Mac Beth the real driving force behind the murder of Duncan?

Lady Mac Beth is the main driving force behind the murder. She persuades Mac Beth in doing this evil act. She overcomes all her womanly features and call's upon her spirits for help in doing this. She acts in an evil and unpropitious manner towards Mac Beth's failure in completing this evil act. Lady Macbeth is ready to sacrifice all her womanly features to complete this deed, but in Macbeth's case he is still unsure in doing this evil & unaccountable deed.

Macbeth was surprised to receive such prophecies from the witches but at this resist moment he didn't worry about it as much as he does near the murder, "we will proceed no further in this business". Macbeth then writes a letter to his most gracious wife about the prophecies from the witches.

Macbeth is then astonished to find that the prophecies from the 3 weird sister had been fulfilled, Ross and Angus had met them and told Macbeth of the glad tidings of becoming the new thane of cawdor. Ross informs him of the heavy judgement that has overcome the old thane of cawdor.
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Macbeth is then informed of Malcolm being the new Prince of Cumberland so he realizes that he has an obstacle in the way before he can become king "For in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my dark and deep desires".

Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth about the prophecies. Lady Macbeth after reading the letter has dark and deep desires. She then calls upon her spirits "unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty". Lady Macbeth has a great deal of ...

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