Is Macbeth a hero or a murderous tyrant? Discuss.

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Aimee Horne

South Australia

Is Macbeth a hero or a murderous tyrant? Discuss.

Macbeth, the Thane of Cawdor was a murderous tyrant without question.  Macbeth was originally considered to be a ‘hero’ at an early stage in the play however; the people of his Kingdom soon saw another side of him which turned him into a ‘butcher’.  It is clear that through all of Macbeth’s schemes of becoming king, such as killing King Duncan and then his friend Banquo, he was a bloodthirsty and ruthless man. This malicious and tyrannical behaviour was not evident in Macbeth’s character early in the scenes, but became obvious as the play progressed and more and more people died because of him in an attempt to keep a secret.  

Killing Duncan for his position of King was the secret that Macbeth tried desperately to hide.  He and Lady Macbeth thought that the crime they had committed would easily be erased with the simple washing of hands to remove the blood.  The criminal pair went to the extent of framing other people for their crime so that they would not be even considered as the culprits.  Dressing in their nightgowns before they went back to bed and ridding their bloody clothes was also an attempt to draw no suspicious attention to themselves.  However, the traumatic incident that Macbeth experienced when killing an innocent, good man was something that would haunt him for many nights to come.  Macbeth became paranoid after the awful deed and confided in Lady Macbeth saying that

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Methought I heard a voice cry… “Sleep no more!’ to all the house…

Macbeth shall sleep no more’.

As well as being haunted by his dreams at night, Macbeth had suspicions of Banquo’s knowledge of the murder and so, had to put an end to it.

Macbeth, through his greed, murdered Duncan for power and the throne, and then, through the aid of henchmen, he killed Banquo also.  To Macbeth, murder appeared to be the only sure way of keeping his secret that he was convinced Banquo would reveal.  

Our fears in Banquo stick ...

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