Is Macbeth more acting or acted upon?

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Mohammed Bandali

GCSE English Language - Shakespeare

'Is Macbeth more acting or acted upon?'

Macbeth first appears to the audience to be a susceptible victim who is swayed by outside forces rather then an evil protagonist from the start. Macbeth is initially portrayed as a brave and loyal knight who is good at heart, and this initial perception would lead one to believe that he could not fulfil his acts of treason without some heavyweight persuasion. However, coming to the end of the play we see his character change into something more of an evil protagonist.

We are first introduced to Macbeth when he was returning from a battle in which he was victorious. He is accompanied by Banquo. The impression you are given is that Macbeth is very brave

"Speak if you can"

Saying this, when approached by the witches, which would have startled any normal man at the time, suggests bravery. We can also see that Macbeth is a modest person after his reaction to being named Thane of Cawdor by the witches,

"I know I am Thane of Glamis, but how of Cawdor?"

He doesn't believe it is in "the prospect of belief", which shows his modesty.

The witches deliver their first set of prophesies, and these are soon confirmed as Macbeth is made Thane of Cawdor. By being made Thane he is convinced that the "greatest is behind," we can see here that Macbeth has fallen for the witches prophecies and that he believes that now the third prophecy can be true.
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He writes to his wife to tell her of his meeting with the witches and him being pronounced Thane of Cawdor. The tone of this letter is of promises of happiness,

"That thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee"

Greatness is coming her way. In the letter he has not yet decided to kill Duncan. He is just informing his wife of what is to come.

Lady Macbeth's reaction to this letter is that she is worried that Macbeth does not have the evil in ...

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