Is Romeo in love?

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Jaspreet Sidhu          Centre Number: 15223          Candidate Number: 7147

Is Romeo in love?

Romeo is a young boy who originally does not seem to understand the concept of love.  We see the hero of the play linked to two different girls. While initially Romeo is depressed and distraught after his rejection from Rosaline, his instant change of character after meeting Juliet proves his ‘first love’ to be superficial and his second love to be ‘real’.  Romeo’s love for Juliet is pure and passionate and ultimately conquers all although the highest price is paid in the “star-cross’d lovers” sacrificing themselves in honour of their devotion to each other.

Romeo as we are first introduced to him, seems depressed and dejected. On his entrance, he immediately lowers the tone of the scene with his “sadness” of “being out of her favour”.  His oxymoronic terms prove that he is more in love with the idea of being in love than actually loving Rosaline.  Romeo associates love with “heavy lightness”(Act 1, Scene 1, line 169) and “cold fire” (line 171) and in the case of true love, it is assumed that a lover is generally happy than miserable.  Romeo’s unrequited love is more an infatuation than true love.

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 Romeo uses rhyming couplets showing the formality of his language regarding the idea of love.

O brawling love, O loving hate/ O any thing of nothing first create!”

(Act 1, Scene 1, lines 166-7)

He personifies love and curses it making it seem more of a nuisance than the treasure that it is normally perceived to be.

The irony of Romeo’s ‘love’ for Rosaline is that he immediately falls for Juliet despite earlier declaring that his

tears (would turn) to fires..and be burnt for liars.!”

(Act 1, Scene 2, lines 88-91)

if he saw ...

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