Is Shylock a victim or a villain? Give your opinion by referring closely to the text In the Merchant of Venice Shylock is portrayed as both a victim and a villain.

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Is Shylock a victim or a villain? Give your opinion by referring closely to the text

In the Merchant of Venice Shylock is portrayed as both a victim and a villain. Shakespeare shows that he is firstly a villain as he is spoken about in a conversation between Salarnio and Salerio. They describe him as “dog Jew,” automatically we see him as the bad man of the play. We then sympathize with Shylock as he tells us how he was poorly treated, “ You call me misbeliever, cut throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gabardine.”  He states that Antonio had looked down on him, spat on him, turned his friends against him and prevented him from making business for the simple reason of being a Jew. Remembering in recent history of the Holocaust we sympathize with him.

When the time comes that Antonio asks a favour of Shylock he immediately seeks revenge. In case Antonio does not pay back the 3,000 ducats that he is to borrow Shylock demands “an equal pound of your fair flesh off and taken in what part of the body pleaseth me.” Here our opinion of Shylock is a negative one, as he wants his flesh as pay back and a pound of flesh would be of no use to him.

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Our opinion then becomes stronger of Shylock being a villain as Jessica his daughter talk of living with him is like hell, “our house is hell and thou a merry devil.” From this we understand that she does not like her father’s actions and what he believes in, which is that Christians are bad “I’ll go in hate to feed upon the prodigal Christian.”  

Shakespeare then makes us feel sorry for Shylock as his daughter Jessica runs away taking his ducats with her. “My daughter! O my ducats!” showing more concern for his loss of money he ...

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