Is 'The Merchant of Venice' a racist play?

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Sabrena Verma

Candidate no.0257

Centre no.20932


Is ‘The Merchant of Venice’ a racist play?

Throughout the text ‘The Merchant of Venice’ presents a main them of anti Semitic racism both anti Jewish and anti Christian. The play is set in Venice, an ancient civic republic and not a nation ruled by a king or queen. However it reflects London in the late 1500’s. Venice was also a trading centre of great importance. It presents a father daughter relationship where she will not be accepted to love a Christian. This shows strong racism within the community. However racism is ever present in today’s society in many forms. The play centres on the two main characters, Antonio an extremely wealthy merchant and shylock a very wealthy Jew. Here there are negative feelings and attitudes between the two characters. This is mainly to do with the different religions.

During the late 1500’s in Venice racism was a strong and dramatic issue. The Jews were treated as an inferior race. Harsh laws were passed against them. These stopped the Jews from marriage between non-Jews and Jews. Jews were thought to be bad and were sent to special areas called ‘Jewish Ghetto’s’ or were humiliated or maltreated in public. The conditions in the ‘Jewish Ghetto’s’ were horrific. There was also a Jewish ‘synagogue’ within the ‘Ghetto’s’. Curfews were placed and a lack of freedom was given. They could only have a few professions.

Shylock is a usurer, a person who lends sums of money to others charging vast amounts of interest. However Antonio also lends amounts of money, but minus the interest. This could be one of the main reasons why Shylock hates Antonio with a vengeance as Antonio is supposedly causing Shylock’s profits to drop. Shylock also hates Antonio for the difference in their life styles and religions, “I hate him for he is a Christian,” suggests strong racism. Shylock made it clear that his relationship with Christians was strictly business, “I will sell with you,” “but will not eat with you, drink with you, nor prayer with you”. This conveys that Shylock was willing to offer a service to Christians to make his profit but was not prepared to socialise with them. We can depict that Shylock was eager to use and abuse the Christians for their religion, a sign of antipathy. This is unacceptable and gives a strong sense that ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a racist play.

Throughout the text Bassanio needs 3000 ducats as a suitor to Portia. Antonio his friend cannot lend him this vast amount of money as all his money is tied up in his fleet of sailing ships. Instead he offers himself as a guarantee. Shylock has agreed to give Antonio a sum of money, but did not charge interest he insisted, “let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken in what part of your body pleaseth me”. We could suggest that this could virtually kill Antonio. From this it conveys strong feelings of antagonism and revenge. Also this implies

prejudice, as it could be symbolic of the Christians being worthless. We can suggest this because flesh is usually taken from dead animals. This idea can clearly convey that Shylock is trying to imply that Christians are of no value.

However Shylock begins to convey how Antonio’s treatment has turned his life into a misery. He states that he has, “hindered me half a million” which shows that Shylock has stopped him from making a great profit. I feel that ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is based on revenge and is reflective on racism. Shylock feels antipathy towards Antonio as he has stopped him from becoming wealthier. Although we also know that the Jews could not be in possession of their own property but could only rent. Also he claims that he has, “scorned my nation”. This suggests that he has made mockery of the fact that he is a Jew. This shows racism, as Antonio does not appreciate the Jewish culture or traditions.

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Shylock had made a bond with Antonio, which Antonio could not break. However Shylock conveys, “the man is not with standing sufficient”. Shylock wanted revenge on Antonio because of the way Antonio had physically and verbally abused Shylock in the past. Shylock says “you call me mis believer” portrays racial criticism. Antonio feels that anyone who is not a Christian is an inferior race. Antonio sees Shylock as, “cut throat dog” which is reflective of thieves as he charges too much interest. It can also be regarded as not a human and again criticised about his business. The phrase, ...

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