It was a dull, wintry Friday and I sat looking out the window in class daydreaming because I was looking forward to the weekend as my parents had told me that we were going to stay with my grandma in Wales for the weekend

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Original Writing Coursework

First Draft


It was a dull, wintry Friday and I sat looking out the window in class daydreaming because I was looking forward to the weekend as my parents had told me that we were going to stay with my grandma in Wales for the weekend. I thought about how delicious my grandma’s Sunday lunches are and how her Yorkshire Puddings melt in your mouth like butter. Just then my best friend Ben lent over my desk and asked me if I was allowed to go to his house for tea and to play on his brand new games console. After school I phoned my mum on my mobile and asked her if it was ok to go to Ben’s house for my tea, she said yes but I would have to be back by seven because that was when we were setting of to go to Wales. I told her I would make sure I was home in time. Then unexpectedly my mobile went dead; my battery must have run out.  As we were walking to Bens house I saw the sky fill with clouds like a curtain over a window and I could sense there was going to be a thunderstorm. I hoped that it would be clear by the time I had to walk home.  

  In that moment we arrived at Bens and we ran straight upstairs like two angry buffalos to play on the games console. As well as the games console Ben had got lots of new games to go with it. We played on a racing game and we spent what seemed like hours trying two beat each other’s scores to get around the track. Just then Bens mum shouted us down for tea. She had made cheese and tomato Pizza and chips followed by my favourite, chocolate fudge cake. It was scrumptious and I told Bens mum that it was the best pizza I had ever had because my mum never makes pizza because she is allergic to dairy products. When we had finished our tea I glanced at the clock and saw that it was quarter to six I told Ben that I could only stay for another half an hour. We decided to go and watch ‘The Simpson’s’ in his living room. I got so totally engrossed into the program that I completely lost track of time and when I realised it was half past six. I sprung up from the sofa and grabbed my school bag and thanked Ben and his mum for my tea and rushed out of the front door.

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  When I stepped onto the pavement it was still pouring down with rain and also getting dark. I got my coat out of my bag and put it on. I set of down Bens street onto the main road. I ran as fast as I could down the road until a bus drove past through an enormous puddle making me look like a drowned rat. I felt like crying. But I couldn’t, I had to carry on or else I would not get home in time. When I reached the park it had gone totally dark but at ...

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