Journey's end - Focusing on the exchange between Stanhope and Hibbert in act two, consider how R.C Sheriff presents the comradeship felt by the men fighting in the 1st World War.

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GCSE English coursework

‘Journey’s end’ by R.C Sheriff

Comradeship is a special kind of bond partly imposed by the constant threat of death and mutilation; it is more than mere friendship.

Focusing on the exchange between Stanhope and Hibbert in act two, consider how R.C Sheriff presents the comradeship felt by the men fighting in the 1st World War.

On the 4th August 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. Germany had dishonoured the Belgian treaty of neutrality. Millions of British men and younger boys volunteered for war, it later became compulsory for British citizens.

The play I am studying is ‘journey’s end’, written by the English novelist R.C Sheriff. He was born in 1896 and served as an officer in the East Surrey regiment. Journey’s end is based upon some of Sheriff’s real-life experiences, highlighting the comradeship between the soldiers in the trenches. Of all Sheriff’s plays and films, Journey’s end seems to have become the most remembered.     

In 1928, the anniversary of the armistice, a huge flood of memoirs and recollections of peoples experiences at war. This included stories, plays and a huge number of poems written by men from the trenches. Novels speaking of all the horrors of war and the treacherous conditions became coming about when in 1928 people started to become disillusioned about the peace. This came about after in 1919, everyone was speaking of having won the ‘war to end all wars’. One the most famous war films of all time was also released in this period – Erich Maria Remarque’s ‘All quiet on the western front’ written in 1929. Famous wartime novelist Stigfried Sassoon also wrote a superb retake of being an officer at war name ‘Memoirs of an infantry officer’. Journey’s end was also written in this period, around 1928-9.  

In the trenches, the soldiers had to spend all the hours of the day living in treacherous conditions, life threatening filth and grime. The only way these men escaped insanity through their daily lives, was comradeship. Comradeship is the tight, family-like bond between fellow soldiers experiencing the same conditions. It is a relentless compassion between the mates the calm the suffering. Many men, who did not have a strong bond with comrades, slowly drifted away into insanity. Journey’s end strongly highlights the bond between the comrades in the trench, Stanhope, Hibbert, Trotter, Raleigh, Osbourne, Hardy and Mason.

Journey’s end is based around men sent to fight at the war between Britain and Germany in France/Belgium. It follows the daily routine of the seven men through pain, loss and great anticipation. The two characters, which the play mainly focuses on, is Stanhope and Raleigh, two men who knew each other from before the war. Stanhope’s girlfriend was Raleigh’s sister, so that is how they knew each other. Many incidents occur during the play, which shows the realistic emotion endured by the men, for example the main focus of this piece, Hibberts confrontation with Stanhope.

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It is towards the middle of the play (Act two, scene two) that the incident between Stanhope and Hibbert occurs. It happens A little while after the time when Stanhope made Raleigh leave his letter unsealed. At this time Stanhope is under a lot of stress and pressure due to the forthcoming raid. The other big factor on his shoulders seems to be the arrival of Raleigh. You can sense that they do not get on by Stanhopes reaction to Raleigh’s greeting,

‘Hullo Stanhope!’

‘How did you- get here?’ (Act one, page 9)

As you can see, Stanhope ...

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