Just another Morning

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Nils Kwarciak – Descriptive Piece

Just another Morning

The deep, mildly burnt scent of dry roast flavored Colombian coffee smoothly started to tickle the tip of my nose, causing a delicate twitch to run through my nostrils, just seconds before my silver plated digital swatch alarm sprung a deafening ringing tone through the house. As the luminous white sunlight that streamed through the light blue cotton curtains irritated my eyes, I slowly started to wipe away the tacky grit of my last nights sleep, followed by a deep yawn to start off the morning. Chucking my arm across the small oak cupboard that stood just by my bed, as if I were a thirsty elephant that threw its trunk into a river, I started to search for the red snooze button to stop the racket that was disturbing my gradual process of waking up. While stretching my hands and feet to the both ends of the small but cozy bed, little by little I managed to open my eyes after a few watery blinks. Sluggishly rolling out of my bed, untangling myself from my soft feather blanket, I pulled myself up on the bed, still sinking into the silk covered mattress. Finally I crawled out of my comfort zone, and stood up to greet another morning.  As I took a deep breath, the dusty pebbles on the chilled, wooden floor rippled through my nose, and a rowdy roar caused my head to spin as I sneezed. Seizing my light orange cotton robe, with a sigh, I made my way down to the kitchen and prepared to get through the morning struggle that has been a daily routine; I never managed to get used to since primary school.  

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As I entered the kitchen, the dense air infested with flies around last nights unwashed dinner made my breathing difficult. I languidly opened the fridge, and rashly searched for my half-empty bottle of full cream milk. The pale silver kitchen floor tiles were chilly like iron frozen in an arctic winter and the radiant sun light that came beaming through the windows reflected into my eyes. Blinded for a short while, I clumsily let go of the bottle of milk but still managed to catch it with a last grasp. Time seemed to halt to a stop, as I ...

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