King Duncan’s murder marks the beginning of Macbeth’s downfall. Who can be held mostly responsible for this?

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GCSE Coursework Assignment-Macbeth

King Duncan's murder marks the beginning of Macbeth's downfall. Who can be held mostly responsible for this?

Macbeth is a play that was written by William Shakespeare in 1605-1606. The main characters in the play are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, King Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Macduff and the three weird sisters. The play was set when James 1 was king. The play was written because William Shakespeare wanted to show people that they should not commit regicide, as it would please the king. He also wanted to show that it is hard to commit just one crime, once you have committed one crime it will lead to another. The play also show that if you do something wrong you will be punished for it.

There were more than one character that were to blame for king Duncan's death, they were Macbeth who actually committed the dead, as well as Lady Macbeth and the three weird sisters. They all had something to do with his murder.

Lady Macbeth had a lot to do with the murder of Duncan as she influenced him into committing the murder. Macbeth did say that he would "proceed no further in this business" but Lady Macbeth would not let him do so. She did everything she could to "screw his courage to the sticking place". In the first scene that we see Lady Macbeth she is reading a note from Macbeth saying about meeting the "weird sisters" and about the first set of prophecies, she almost immediately called to the witches for supernatural powers by asking them to "unsex" her so that she would "make thick [her] blood" so that she would "stop up th' access and passage to remorse". This means that she immediately believes that Macbeth is right to believe in the witches.
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Lady Macbeth dominates other Macbeth and told him what to do but they were equal as can be seen from the letter in Act one scene five when Macbeth wrote in the letter "dearest partner of greatness". Lady Macbeth is not a typical women of her time as in Shakespearian ties women usually did what there husbands said, because of this Macbeth is more likely to follow the influence of his wife. It is lady Macbeth that makes plans to kill King Duncan as she says things like "look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under ...

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