Lady Macbeth is the real driving force behind the murder of Duncan. Do you agree?"

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Macbeth Assignment

“Lady Macbeth is the real driving force behind the murder of Duncan. Do you agree?”

Although in this play it is true that Macbeth murders Duncan and he willingly states, “I have done the deed” to his wife after the murder I believe that he is not completely to blame for this act.

I believe that the witches are originally to blame. Without the witches casting the spell to influence the murder or even just giving Macbeth the idea of becoming King through these means, the murder plot would not have been thought up and the actual murder would not have been carried out.

Macbeth could also be to blame by believing and trusting the witches’ prophecy. When the prophecy is told, Banquo does not believe what is said, he says to Macbeth “Why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair…” Also the fact that Macbeth wrote the letter to his wife telling her of the encounter with the witches and what they told him could make him partially to blame. By reading the play we realise that Macbeth would not actually murder someone by choice but he would kill as many people as he felt like on the battlefield. We find him first as a brave and respected soldier, but as the play progresses, he becomes a treacherous villain.    

Lady Macbeth is brought into the play in act 1, scene 5 reading the letter Macbeth has sent her. When she reads this, her evil is immediately revealed to us as she starts to plan the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth loves her husband. She wants him to be King and is willing to do anything to make this come about. This also brings about the idea that Lady Macbeth wants to become Queen more than she wants Macbeth to become King. Lady Macbeth also attacks Macbeth’s weak spot, his pride, by calling him a coward when he declined to kill Duncan.

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Without Lady Macbeth’s physical influence or the witches’ influence via the spell I do not think that the murder would have been commited.


The murder in the play can be traced back to the witches influence on Macbeth. In Shakespeare’s time the audience would have been terrified at the idea of having witches on the stage. The fear of witches in that time attracted many dramatists and writers and was enhanced by the publishing of Daemonologie by King James VI of Scotland and I of England. The book was written to persuade sceptics of ...

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