Lady Macbeth is the real reason behind the murder of Duncan. Discuss this statement and decide whether or not you might agree.

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Lady Macbeth is the real reason behind the murder of Duncan.

Discuss this statement and decide whether or not you might agree.

In response to the above statement, I would have to agree that Lady Macbeth is in fact the reason behind Duncan’s death.  To further my argument, I will use the direct references and quotes from the play.

Macbeth firstly comes across as a brave and gallant soldier.  However, as soon as he comes face to face with the three witches, his true colours begin to show and become more apparent.  Macbeth seems to be easily influenced.  He is overwhelmed by what the witches’ prophecy while his friend is more sceptical.  After listening to the third witch deliver her prediction, “thou shalt be king hereafter”, Macbeth wanted to hear more.  At this moment in time, Banquo was warning Macbeth of “the instruments of darkness”.  Macbeth may seem to dwell in the thoughts of his coming new kingship.  When Macbeth was first alone, he found himself describing murder as “horrible imaginings”.  This would suggest that, although he found it repulsive, the idea had still arisen and was taking root in his mind.

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Meantime, Lady Macbeth has received a letter from her husband informing her that he has taken over the title Thane of Cawdor.  He also lets her know about the predictions he had received from the three witches about taking over the throne and becoming king.  During this scene, we are made aware of the immediate reaction of a strong, ambitious and very determined woman.  She calls upon the spirits to fill her with “direst cruelty”.  Lady Macbeth’s sudden reaction to her husband’s letter suggests that she’s prepared to go to any length to make it a reality.  


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