Lord of the Flies Essay

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Lord of the Flies begins with friendship and ends in death and violence. How does Golding present change and what is shown by this?

At the beginning of the novel when the boys first arrive on the island the boys form an assembly and go through rules – inspired by their home lives. Ralph is called “chief” by the majority of the group and encourages the boys to think and act responsibly. Ralph and Piggy symbolise the most civilized characters of the novel proven by the leadership they show together throughout the text. The rules set by Ralph are effective at first as Jack cannot bring himself to kill a wild piglet and Roger does not throw stones because of the “taboo of the old life”.

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      However this gradually changes throughout the novel as the boys begin to do their own thing, ignoring the rules set by Ralph and Piggy, who gets upset when the other boys do not follow the rules. He refers to them as a “pack of kids” and suggests they “act proper”. Ralph wants to have fun like everyone else but other than Piggy, is the only one that understands the need for rules and discipline. At first Jack decides the idea of rules would be a good thing as they are “not savages” which is ironic in ...

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