Lord of The Flies - Piggy.

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Question 2 (Piggy)

Piggy is very important in this novel and he has a major role in the story.

Piggy is someone that has many different skills but often hides them.He is clever, sensible, civilised and has good ideas, but he is quite shy and insecure so we rarely see these films.

At first he is very quiet and keeps himself to himself. But as the story progresses he gains confidence, and begins to ‘come out of his skin’.

Although he seems to gain mental strength and seems more confident as time goes by, he is still quite fragile and cries several times in the book. This is due to him being scared of the situation he is in, being away from his aunt who he must love a lot as he mentions her often, and also the fear of never being rescued.

But when he cries the main reason is due to the fact that he is constantly insulted and taken the mickey out of.

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This is what is holding Piggy back from showing his intelligent side and his many skills.

Piggy is one of the main characters in the book (along with Jack and Ralph) and we don’t even know his real name!

There is a reason for this and I feel that it is because the other boys see Piggy as just another ‘face in the crowd’.

Although he tries to stand up and be listened to like a leader, as Ralph and Jack are, he is always seen as a pest that you can’t get rid of.

On many occasions ...

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