Lord Of The Flies - Ralph Monologue

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Lord Of The Flies

Ralph Monologue

(A boy stood adjacent to a fire on an island, looking resentful)

        Should never have let this happen. Should never have let this happen.


        (Ralph shaking his head)

        Jack’s an idiot, bloody idiot. Divide and rule. What does he think he’s playing at? Does nobody want to go home? I miss my family. Don’t they miss theirs? I just can’t understand (sighs). What’s wrong with him?


It’s his fault we’re still here on this stupid island. He should have watched the fire like we said, not disappear off into the jungle. Showing off, “I cut the pig’s throat.” So what. Who cares! We can all do that if we want to, anyone can be a hunter. It’s so pointless, he did it on purpose we were nearly there. He did it on purpose, I know he did.

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        (Ralph quietens down momentarily appearing thoughtful)

If only Jack had done as he was told we would never missed that ship. Stupid face painting, do that at six not at his bloody age.

(Kicks the ground in exasperation, throws his hands around his head grabbing his hair)

When we worked as a team, couldn’t Jack see the benefits of that.  He must have had rules at home.

If only they’d obey the rules like they used to.

(Reaches for the conch)

The conch, obey the conch. That’s what we had agreed, obey the conch! ...

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This monologue shows a clear understanding of how the boys would feel on the island and in particular the pressure Ralph may feel as chief. To enhance the impact of the piece linguistic devices could be used to heighten the description - particularly when describing the island, Ralph's home or Ralph's disgust about Jack. The structure of the piece could be changed to create a climax to the monologue where Ralph feels the most pressure and the highest point of tension is created for the reader.