Lord of the flies- what are the main themes within the novel

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                                English coursework

(what are the main themes within William Golding's novel 'Lord of the flies')

        At first glance, 'lord of the flies' is a simple tale of a group of boys stranded on an island. Its not until you really get into the novel and read between the lines that the many different themes begin to emerge. Golding himself regarded it as “a modern fable which can be enjoyed on more complex levels.” I believe the themes in the novel are the most important factors when analyzing the novel. Lots of themes emerge in the first few chapters that are very relevant to the rest of novel. The main themes in the novel is civilization v savagery. Also I have identified many other relevant themes for example the need for political democracy, evil in mankind and that people are inherently evil. Golding strongly believed that people were inherently evil and he put this in to his novel very well through the character of Jack-allusion to Hitler and in this essay I will explore the many other themes within the novel.

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        Civilization is the refinement of thought, manners, and taste in society. It has taken thousands of years for people to become civilized. If we were not, there would be much crime, violence, and hatred among people. Civilization is a common practice today, from something as simple as holding the door open for someone, to as complex as the American economy. In Golding's work, Lord of the Flies a group of young boys ages six to twelve are stranded on a deserted island, and strive to create a civilization among them, to which they use the conch as a very important ...

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The Response to Question here is focused at the best of times, but quite frequently it can be said that the answer is simply written badly. Along with a poor sense of structure, the candidate only very briefly touches upon the area that will gain marks, and often dedicates far too much time elaborating their points in fields that elicit no marks